Thursday, October 17, 2013

more like home

It's been a while. But for good reason! Many good reasons. 

First, no one wants to hear about how long our contractor is taking. It's exhausting. You can play and repeat that all day. We're over it. 

Second, it's just been kind of a weird fall. There was a moment, back in September where we really weren't sure what to do next. Then the government shut down happened and Sasha replaced the ills and thrills of bureaucratic green and grey with the trials and tribulations of home renovation. 

He's been awesome. Like, I don't know how he does all this stuff awesome. I came home one day to no dust in the house (a feat I never thought possible), a completely mopped and cleaned upstairs, purple tomatoes growing on the vine, and a freshly built raised bed in the yard. What the government lost, our house got back and then some. Our house is starting to feel like a home and that has everything to do with the work Sasha has let me show you. 

The weekend before the wedding, while I was running around buying up last minute things and gluing corks together, Sasha and Evar painted all the ceilings in the house. Evar also reassured us (multiple times) that we weren't crazy and had not just made the biggest mistake of our lives (the house haters, not the wedding! I was living there full time without a shower for all of August and did not have a bridezilla moment about it, we needed reassuring). I have no idea what we would have done without Evar and Rebecca (and Iggy) the month of August...they were three of the many wedding and house angels we had that month. 

Our super tall ceilings look so much better all instantly made the house feel cleaner. Now we just need to figure out what to do with that weird purple bench in our bedroom!

 Post wedding, we did what most people do, and immediately upset everyone else in the neighborhood. He he...not really, but I'm not sure everyone was happy that we parked a skid-steerer on our lawn for a weekend and proceeded to rip out a bunch of stumps and tear up our yard. I wrapped a chain around the stumps and Sasha pulled them out. He also lifted me up in the bucket so I could pull a bunch of old ivy off of the house!...and I learned to drive a skid-steer, so you

The inside and outside of the house are absolutely coming along! We have bathrooms with all of their working parts (well...mostly working parts), stairs mid-completion, and ceiling fans! I'll post more about the construction that's been done this week soon, but don't have the right pictures yet. 

We put curtains up in our bedroom this week and that's made the place really feel like home. Sasha and I used copper pipe as the rod (all credit to Melanie and Ben's landlord) and put them up on Monday night. It made the whole place feel more like home.
We are so relieved that it worked, we did a project without fighting
(I think we get like a million Home Depot points for that),
and we don't have street lights shining in on us. 

We've also been trying to enjoy this craziness (see above) called the government shutdown. It's not every day your husband's boss tells him it's illegal to go to work and check his e-mail. I know it's not something to joke about and real lives were very negatively effected, but, for us, we were fortunate enough to get a little more time together. Sasha made truly amazing progress on the house, and it was so wonderful to come home to him and see what else had happened that day. We haven't gotten to spend this much time together since I first moved to Kentucky, so it's been a blessing in it's own weird way. And we've tried to make the most of it. A couple of nights ago, we pulled out the fancy champagne glasses Kristoff and Nikki got us to use at our wedding (which, never made it to Pine Mountain...I think you're supposed to forget something on your wedding day right?), had a bottle of champagne and relaxed in our home. It's been one of my favorite days yet. And, the next morning, I walked out of our home on my way to work, looked up and saw a double rainbow over the church across the street. 
I couldn't help but think how wonderful it was to be home.

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